# 他人读书笔记

  1. Reality is optimizing for the whole - not for you. Contribute to the whole and you will likely be rewarded.
  2. Weigh second- and third-order consequences
  3. Own your outcomes: 把所有的错误都归到自己身上。 a. Where ever you are in your life right now is both temporary and exactly where you are supposed to be. Everything we want to accomplish is possible but it begins with accepting total responsibility for every aspect of your life and refusing to blame anyone else ---- The Miracle Morning
  4. Recognize your two barriers a. Ego barrier. b. Blind spot.
  5. Pratise radical open-mindedness: I just want to be right. I don't care if the right answer comes from me.
  6. Get a good Habit a. Trigger that tells your brain to go into automatic mode and which habit to use. 为习惯设置触发器 b. Routine,成为日常 c. Reward, 获得习惯带来的好处
  7. 这种训练方式可以把自己当成海洋馆了里的海豚,每次学会一个动作就会有奖励。同时相反的话会受到惩罚。
  8. Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.
  9. Expect value, 概率计算,收益-损失 > 0 时才可以参与
  10. Any damn fool can make it complex, it takes a genius to make it simple.

# 成功的原则 中文版

  1. 探险召唤: 你必须自己思考真相是什么 You need to think for yourself about what is true. a. 重要的不是我知道多少,而是我是如何应对未知的。 b. 通过犯错误,反思错误来总结原则;反思错误,总结出原则,以期不再犯类似错误 c. 真相是取得良好结果的根本基础 d. 梦想 + 现实 + 决心 = 成功的生活 e. 我们的障碍 i. 自我意识障碍 ii. 思维盲点障碍 f. 不想过由他人主导的生活 i. 自己决定怎么做 Decide what to do ii. 有勇气去做 Have the courage to do it g. The quality of your decisions will determine the quality of your life.
  2. 拥抱所有现实 应对现实:Embrace reality and deal with it a. 我希望过得精彩,与失败相比,我更害怕无聊和平庸。 b. 真相是取得良好结果的根本基础.Truth is the essential foundation for producing good outcomes. c. 超现实主义是选择梦想、实现梦想的最佳方式。伟大梦想 Dreams + 拥抱现实 Reality + 很大的决心 Determination = 成功(自己决定)的生活 A successful life d. 深刻理解、接受并应对客观真相,而不是我期望的真相,能带来巨大回报 e. 不追求梦想,生活将庸烦无聊 f. 问题、错误、弱点,所有这些残酷现实让我们深感痛苦。但我发现这只是心里痛苦。换个角度,将大不一样。 g. 把问题视为谜题,只要我解开就能获得回报。 h. 痛苦是一个信号, 痛苦提示我这是一个绝佳的学习机会,我将从中受益。 i. 痛苦 Pain + 反思 Reflection = 进步 Progress,冥想有助于我这样看问题。
  3. 五步流程 a. 目标 Goals: 知晓自己的目标,真正了解自己,确立适合自己的人生目标 b. 问题 Problems: 应对阻碍你实现目标的问题,找出问题,不容忍问题 c. 诊断 Diagnosis:找到问题的根源,不要太仓促地去解决问题。退一步反思,以便真正区分症状和疾病本身。 d. 方案 Design: 规划方案,彻底解决问题。为了解决问题,你需要做什么。 e. 践行 Do it:执行这些方案。推动自己做需要做的事,以实现目标。 成功的人生就是要反复践行这五步流程
  4. 深渊 a. 我们愿不愿意客观面对失败,做出正确决定,让事情重新向好的方向发展。 b. 风险和回报关系 c. 应对失败的态度
  5. 一切都是机器 a. 与其把每次事件都当做一次性事件来处理,不如将其视为类似情境的重现 b. 用动物学家对待动物的方式来对待问题,先识别其种属,再利用妥当的处理原则。 c. 风险和回报相伴相生的关系 d. 知道如何妥善平衡风险与回报,是拥有最好人生的关键
  6. 你的两个最大障碍:妨碍良好决策的两大障碍 要取得成功,我就不能限于一己之见 a. 自我意识障碍 i. 大脑中阻止你承认自我缺点的区域, 从而阻止你想出应对缺点的办法 ii. 你内心最深处的需求和恐惧,是由控制情绪的大脑区域决定的,而且与你较高层次的意识不相通 iii. 我们更注重自己是否对,而不是去发现真相 iv. 我们尤其不喜欢直视自己的错误和弱点 v. 我们本能把对错误和弱点的探讨当做对我们的攻击 b. 思维盲点障碍 i. 人自以为能查知一切,任何个人都无法看到完整的现实,人无法理解自己看不到的东西,我们查知理解事物的能力各有不同。 ii. 人脑的构造不同,因而我们对环境的认知也不同 iii. 只顺着自己的天性做事,我们就忽略了自己的弱点,就会失败。 iv. 悲剧:由一个致命缺陷导致的结果。能够纠正缺陷就会有美好的结果。
  7. 做到极度头脑开放 a. 不再为证明自己对而沾沾自喜,而是为获知真相而高兴 b. 找出与我意见不同而最具有想法的人,我不在乎他们的结论,我只想从他们的视角看问题,并让他们从我的视角看问题。这样我们就能把事情梳理明白,发现真相。 c. 我最想得到的是深思熟虑的意见分歧,不再只局限于自己的视角,而是从这些有思想的人的视角看问题。 d. 穿越生活丛林的最好方式是与视角不同的思想者一起努力。 e. 有的人能够弥补你的短处,天生能见你所未见,你可以得到他们的帮助。你只需不再执念自己答案的正确,而是把惧怕错误结论的恐惧转化为动力,使你变得对不同观点更加开放。这样一来就能找到你一个人观察时找不到的风险和机会。
  8. 奋力拼搏 a. 成功不是实现目标的事儿 b. 与他人一起协同的个人进化才是拼搏的回报

# My notes:


    a. Principles are fundamental truths that serve as the foundations for behavior that gets you what you want out of life. b. Having a good set of principles is like having a good collection of recipes for success. c. To be principled means to consistently operate with principles that can be clearly explained. d. Discover and write down your own principles, let you and others to be clear about what your principles are and understand each other better.

  2. HAVING YOUR OWN PRINCIPLES a. Think for yourself to decide i. what you want ii. what is true iii. what you should do to achieve #1 in light of #2 b. and do that with humility and open-mindedness so that you consider the best thinking available to you c. Being clear on your principles is important because they will affect all aspects of you life, many times a day.

  3. MY PRINCIPLES AND HOW I LEARNED THEM a. I learned my principles over a lifetime of making a lot of mistakes and spending a lot of time reflecting on them. b. I believe that the key to success lies in knowing how to both strive for a lot and fail well.

  4. Think for yourself a. what do you want? b. what is true? c. What are you going to do about it?

  5. Part1 Where I'm coming from a. Time is like a river that carries us forward into encounters with reality that requires us to make decisions. We can't stop our movement down this river and we can't avoid those encounters. We can only approach them in the best possible way.

  6. My call to adventure

Last Updated: 2/8/2023, 2:30:06 AM